Mar 19, 2009

.thursday. my day

I on leave today to further my medical treatment, alone.
Again, i visit Dr. Ting one month once. jz alike my 'aunty' visit me one month once. grrr...
actually i nt like his attitude, he is kinda rude..he does not even look at u when he talk with you, just stare at ur face for bout 30 seconds, unless you non-stop ask him question. kakkaka...
or he already fed-up with the job already.imagine the amount of people he treated, everyday c the same kind of face, skin. blablabla......Crazy.. @-@ clinic frm 9-6pm always full. cn u imagine!? goshhh..
if me,i think i want to quit..tut what to for money $$$$$$$$$$$$$..
but ppl stil cont go to his clinic, of cz he gt his own competence. hmm....
moreover, u have to queue up for at least three hours to see him. no joke. No appointment, only walk-in. i ever heard that got patient went ther on 7sharp early morning just wanna consult by him, but his clinic open on 9am sharp bt he cm on around 915am.. wahh..GENG.

Okie, today i took one day leave, after visit TingTing. i having my lunch alone at B.bintang area.
i went to Pavilion shopping, very less ppl shopping around there, nice..i dn lyk stream of ppl.
i bought a magazine and some favorite sweet then i went to secret receipe to eat my favorite cheese cake, yeah...pretty gud, i enjoy~~~~~!

until now, im nt in mood..sux feeling.
i hate it.........! i hope i cn control myself ........
im nt sleepy now, bt i wil force myself get onto my bed.
n persuade myself don't thnk too much, but i know i can't. :(

2 scripts:

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  1. i wan new york cheese cake please???

  2. aiks. take good care of urself wei.
    hope you will get well soon

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